Personal Loan Calculator

Calculate your loan repayments and find the perfect loan amount that fits your budget

Calculate Your Loan

Repo Rate: Loading...
Total Rate: Loading...
(Repo Rate + 21% p.a.)

Loan Summary

Monthly Costs

Principal & Interest
Service Fee Monthly admin fee (incl. VAT)
Insurance Credit life insurance
Total Monthly Payment

Once-off Costs

Initiation Fee Once-off fee (incl. VAT)

Total Loan Costs

Total Interest
Total Fees & Insurance
Total Cost of Credit

Payment Schedule

First Payment
Last Payment

Understanding Personal Loan Calculations

How is the monthly repayment calculated?

The monthly repayment is calculated using the loan amount, term, and interest rate. We use the standard amortization formula that includes both principal and interest payments.

What affects your interest rate?

Interest rates are influenced by factors such as your credit score, income, employment status, and current market conditions. The better your credit profile, the lower your interest rate might be.

Why choose a personal loan?

Personal loans offer fixed repayment terms and interest rates, making them suitable for various purposes like debt consolidation, home improvements, or unexpected expenses.